Here you can find all the businesses and traders dedicated to the sale, distribution and repairs of electrical appliances where you can find all types of machines and appliances for your home.
Always with the latest technology, with the best brands at the best prices.
All types of electrical appliances and small appliances for the kitchen: sandwich makers, toasters, microwaves, ovens, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, washing machines etc
Also LCD televisions, plasma or CRT, with the best brands.
Also air conditioning and mobile phones and accessories of all brands.
All you need for photography, analogue and digital cameras, reflex
Nowadays there are no Electrical appliances in the Caravaca de la Cruz's business directory.
Note: If you wish to advertise on Caravaca de la Cruz´s Business Directory, , send us an e-mail at
Use the following forum to deal with themes related to Electrical appliances in Caravaca de la Cruz; Electrical, fridges, ovens, washing machine, dishwashers, microwave, tumble dryers, coffee machines, fryers, razors, televisions, radios, CD’s, compact disc, DVD’s, burners, video, freezers, repairs, toasters, videos, TDT, MP3, WMA, audio, mobiles, telephones, kitchens, induction, CRT, LCD, plasma, TFT, cameras, photography, digital, reflex, analogues, etc.
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