Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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The City of Caravaca gets the best score of the Region in attention and response to citizen (25/03/2015)

A study by the Association of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Murcia places the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, next to the Consistory of Albudeite, as the best public institution valued in the region in terms of agility and responsiveness to requests for information citizens.

In this research, conducted under the Pact for Transparency in the Region of Murcia, have been analyzed a total of 55 institutions, including municipalities, political parties, trade unions and employers CROEM and the Autonomous Community and the Regional Assembly.

According to the barometer, Murcia consistories not exceed 4.5 (out of a maximum score of 10), while the City of Caravaca gets 1 September, following requests for information made in person, by phone or online college members of Political Scientists as if they were citizens and service users.

Researchers studying, Javier Sierra, dean of the College of Political Scientists, and José Luis Ros, have made have measured the time taken for each municipality and each institution to respond to the request posing as anonymous users, but have also had into account the quality of the answer.

The average rating of the municipalities is 4.5.

Javier Sierra explained during the presentation of the study in the score given to each institution is also taken into account clarity in the response and the facilities offered to the public course as well as the reaction and how to contact the applicant.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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