Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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[Caravaca de la Cruz commemorates this weekend the 'World Tourism Day' with new guided tours and open days to museums (21/09/2021)

| In line with this year's motto 'Tourism for inclusive growth', the City Council will implement permanently a system of bidi codes and tactile model in the Castle that facilitates the visit to people with visual disabilities | As for specific activities, visits to the bell tower of the parish of El Salvador have been scheduled for this Saturday and for Sunday a new edition of the guided tour through the historic center 'The name of the streets and things' In addition, throughout the weekend there will be open days at the museums, except for the Fiesta which is temporarily closed due to expansion and renovation works.

Caravaca de la Cruz commemorates the 'World Tourism Day' with a special program of activities -which will be held throughout this weekend with adapted capacity and the rest of health prevention measures.

In addition to the specific events, in line with the slogan proposed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 'Tourism for inclusive growth', in the coming days the City Council will premiere a new Guided system, together with a tactile model of the monument, to facilitate the guided visit for people with visual disabilities.

The Councilor for Tourism, José Carlos Gómez, has reported on the guided tours proposed for this edition of the 'World Tourism Day', as well as the celebration of open days to the network of museums in the municipality for this Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 26.

In the presentation of the activities, he was accompanied by the parish priest of El Salvador and episcopal vicar of the Caravaca-Mula pastoral area, Jesús Martínez, as well as by the coordinator of the museums, Indalecio Pozo, and the head of the municipal area of ??Tourism, Mari Carmen Robles.

"In addition to new guided visits to spaces until now closed such as the bell tower of the main church of El Salvador or a route through the places full of history and legends of the old town, in recent months we have made a bet to begin to position the city as a benchmark for inclusive tourism at the regional level, "said Councilor José Carlos Gómez, who reported that the new bidi code system is detected by the camera of mobile devices in motion, remotely and in the pocket , providing information and the direction to follow for those with visual disabilities.

The Castle of Caravaca is one of the pioneers in the Region of Murcia in the implementation of this tourist service,along with other emblematic spaces such as the Roman Theater Museum of Cartagena and the Archaeological Museum of Murcia.

Once the restoration work on the façade is completed in the coming weeks, a typhological model made of bronze will also be installed in the Caravaca Castle that will allow the characteristics and details of this monumental space to be perceived through touch.

'World Tourism Day' activities Regarding the specific activities offered on the occasion of 'World Tourism Day', there is a visit to the bell tower of El Salvador, which will take place this Saturday, September 25, with four passes and limited places adapted to capacity (10.30, 11.00 am, 4.30 pm and 5.00 pm.

La Concejalía de Turismo también oferta la una cuarta edición de la ruta guiada 'El nombre de las calles y las cosas" para este domingo, 26 de septiembre, a las 10.00 horas, que partiendo de la Plaza del Arco recorrerá numerosos lugares del casco antiguo impregnados de historia y leyendas.

Para participar estas actividades gratuitas, es necesario reserva previa de plaza en la Oficina Municipal de Turismo, a través de los teléfonos 968 70 24 24 ó 678 650 795.

Estas visitas guiadas, se complementarán con jornadas de puertas abiertas a la red de museos durante el sábado y el domingo, 25 y 26 de septiembre (excepto al Museo de la Fiesta que permanece cerrado al público de manera temporal por obras de ampliación y reforma).

El Museo José Carrilero y el Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza de las Fuentes del Marqués también requieren de reserva previa.

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Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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